Thursday, February 16, 2012


Story of Rabbit and Bear
Once upon a time, there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit is a good shot. In contrary, the bear is always clumsy ad could not use the arrow to good advantage.
One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear's anger so he could not refuse it. He consented and went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.
The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat. Th e rabbit could not even taste the blood from the butchering as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day's work.
The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked toward the rabbit's house and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit's house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.

The Story of Lake Toba"

Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. The did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.
One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster". The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.
Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broke his promise.
Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.

“Monkey and Crocodile”

One day a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a crocodile in the river, so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side. The crocodile told the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile swam down the river.
Now, the crocodile was very hungry, so when it was in the middle of the river, it stopped and said to the monkey, ”Monkey, my father is very sick. He must eat the heart of the monkey. Then he will be strong again.”
The monkey thought for a while. Then he told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank.
“What’s for?” asked the crocodile.
“Because I didn’t bring my heart with me,” said the monkey. “I left it under the tree, near some coconuts.”
So, the crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back and climbed up to the top of a tree.
“Where is your heart?” asked the crocodile.
“You are foolish,” the monkey said to the crocodile. “Now I am free and you have nothing.”
The monkey told the crocodile not to try to fool him again. The crocodile swam away, hungry.

Golden Eggs”

Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters.
One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.
Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”
A week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.

Three Fish

Once three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. ‘This pond is full of fish’, they told each other excitedly. ‘we have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!’ So saying, the fishermen left.

When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fish together and said, ‘Did you hear what the fishermen said? W must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!’ The second of the three fish agreed. ‘You are right’, he said. ‘We must leave the pond.’

But the youngest fish laughed. ‘You are worrying without reason’, he said. ‘We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere – my luck will keep me safe’.

The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then.

The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.
A Legend of Candy Cane

A candy maker in Indiana wanted to make a candy that would be a witness, so he made the Christmas Candy Cane. He incorporated several symbols for the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ.

He began with a stick of pure white, hard candy. White to symbolize the Virgin Birth and the sinless nature of Jesus, and hard to symbolize the Solid Rock, the foundation of the church, and firmness of the promises of God.

The candy maker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the precious name of Jesus, who came to earth as our Savior. It also represents the staff of the "Good Shepherd" with which He reaches down into the ditches of the world to lift out the fallen lambs who, like all sheep, have gone astray.

Thinking that the candy was somewhat plain, the candy maker stained it with red stripes. He used the tree small stripes to show the stripes of the scourging Jesus received by which we are healed. The large red stripe was for the blood shed by Jesus on the Cross so that we could have the promise of eternal life, if only we put our faith and trust in Him. Unfortunately, the candy became known as a Candy Cane - a meaningless decoration seen at Christmas time. But the meaning is still there for those who "have eyes to see and ears to hear".

The Myth of Malin Kundang
A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.
Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.
An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!" After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again but in that time she was full of both sadness and angriness.
Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail.
In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.
Queen of Arabia and Three Sheiks
Maura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks. The three sheiks were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As they were about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some left over food. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s camp.
The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could not share it with him.
This Sheik Hakim’s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the sheiks. “So it is Hakim I will marry”.

The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.
Notes on Narrative Text
It is important to know that the social function of the narrative text is to inform and entertain. Narrative text will tell the story with amusing way. It provides an esthetic literary experience to the reader. Narrative text is written based on life experience. In literary term, experience is what we do, feel, hear, read, even what we dream.
Narrative text is organized focusing at character oriented. It is build using descriptive familiar language and dialogue. There are some genres of literary text which fit to be classified as the narrative text. Some of them are:
  • Folktales, it includes fables, legend, myth, or realistic tales
  • Mysteries, fantasy, science or realistic fiction
Commonly, narrative text is organized by the story of grammar. It will be beginning, middle and end of the story. To build this story grammar, narrative text need plot. This plot will determine the quality of the story. Plot is a series of episodes which holds the reader’ attention while they are reading the story.
Conflict is the main important element of the plot. This conflict among the characters will drive the story progress. In this conflict, readers will be shown how the characters face the problem and how they have ability to handle that problem
Analysis the Generic Structure
Orientation: It sets the scene and introduces the participants/characters. In that parrot story, the first paragraph is the orientation where reader finds time and place set up and also the participant as the background of the story. A man and his parrot took place once time.
Complication: It explores the conflict in the story. It will show the crisis, rising crisis and climax of the story. In the parrot story, paragraph 2, 3, 4 are describing the complication. Readers will find that the man face a problem of why the parrot can not say Catano. To fix this problem, the man attempted to teach the bird. How hard he tried to teach the bird is the excitement element of the complication.
Resolution: It shows the situation which the problems have been resolved. It must be our note that “resolved” means accomplished whether succeed or fail. In the last paragraph of the smartest parrot story, readers see the problem is finished. The parrot could talk the word which the man wanted. The parrot said the word with higher degree than the man taught the word to it. That was the smartest parrot.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Setelah 20 Tahun, Akhirnya Menemukan Danau Purba

Setelah pengeboran selama lebih dari 20 tahun, para ilmuwan Rusia akhirnya berhasil mengungkapkan adanya saluran vertikal menuju ke Danau Vostok, sebuah danau air tawar purba yang terkubur selama sekurang-kurangnya 15 juta tahun pada kedalaman lebih dari 2 mil di bawah permukaan es.

Pengeboran dimulai sejak tahun 1989—bahkan sebelum para ilmuwan mengkonfirmasi adanya danau sepanjang 160 mil tersebut—dan "pengeboran itu berlarut-larut karena kekurangan dana, rusaknya peralatan, dan suhu yang sangat dingin," demikian disampaikan Vladimir Isachenkov kepada Associated Press. 
Akhirnya penggalian itu berhasil juga. Andrea Mustain di Scientific American menyebutkan, "alat pengebor menyentuh lapisan es cair di bawah lapisan es yang kokoh dan mencapai air danau yang tawar dan tidak beku."

Kandungan air di Vostox sama dengan Danau di Ontario 

Apakah danau itu sangat dingin?
Ternyata tidak. Suhu di permukaan di Stasiun Vostok station tempat para peneliti bekerja adalah "paling dingin yang tercatat di bumi," mencapai minus 128 derajat Fahrenheit, kata Isachenkov. Tapi danau bawah air itu sendiri diyakini cukup hangat, berkat adanya "tekanan kuat kerak es dan energi geotermal energy dari bawah."
Danau Vostok terlihat dari satelit. Suhu di tempat ini sangat dingin bisa mencapai -66C

Apakah yang menjadikan danau itu begitu berharga?
Terutama karena adanya prospek penemuan kehidupan baru yang belum tersentuh. Makhluk apapun yang hidup di danau itu telah terkubur dan tersembunyi selama jutaan tahun. "Seperti menjelajahi planet lain, tetapi sebenarnya masih di planet kita," kata Robin Bell dari Columbia University kepada Associated Press. 
Tentu saja, pengeboran ini bisa menjadi awal yang baik untuk kegiatan pengeboran yang mungkin saja dilakukan di planet-planet lain, dan "sangat berharga untuk mempelajari kemungkinan kondisi di bulan Jupiter (Europa) atau Saturnus (Encedadus)," yang juga tertutupi oleh lapisan-lapisan es yang tebal, kata Marc Kaufman di Washington Post.

Lantas, apakah semua sepakat bahwa ini adalah projek yang bermanfaat?
Tidak juga. "Upaya yang telah dilaksanakan selama puluhan tahun tersebut telah mengundang kontroversi terkait bahan-bahan kimia dan teknik-teknik yang digunakan dalam pengeboran," kata Kaufman. Sebagian ilmuwan mengkhawatirkan Danai Vostok yang “perawan” itu akan ternoda oleh bahan-bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam pengeboran, termasuk kerosin dan Freon.

Anak Paling Metal Sedunia (PIC+)

Langsung aja yah gan. ane gak punya cerita cuman ada Foto aja, nih langsung aja nilai sendiri ni anak benar2 metal kagak

soalnya kalo ditanya tuh anak ngapain kek gitu dia jawabnya "Biar keliatan metal maaaan"

Makna Balik Kalimat Terserah yang Diucapkan Cewek

Jadi gini, dalam pertemanan maupun percintaan dengan seorang wanita, kata-kata terserah sering kali diucapkan dalam berbagai situasi. Kita sudah sepakat sebelumnya kalau cewe itu lebih rumit dari aljabar kan ya? Nah pengaplikasian kata "terserah" ini juga bisa berbeda-beda arti, tergantung dari situasi dan kondisi kata tersebut terlontar. Misalnya gini:

Situasi 1
Sedang kencan, pulang jemput kuliah/kerja, belum makan, perut keroncongan.
Cewek : Aduh aku laper banget.
Cowok : Mau makan dulu?
Cewek : Boleh
Cowok : Mau makan apa?
Cewek : Terserah.
Cowok : *masuk ke warteg*
Cewek : *merengut, judes, uring-uringan, makanannya ga diabisin, diem sepanjang jalan pulang*
Kalian pasti berpikir dong, kenapa nih kok jadi ngambek? Ketika ditanya kenapa, jawabnya gapapa (ini ntar kita bahas di artikel berikutnya ya, kata gapapa ini). Tapi manyunnya kayak ngegepin kamu selingkuh. Kenapa sih?
Ternyata Ini Artinya : Tawarin dulu dong beberapa jenis makanan, jangan langsung main belok ke warteg. Terus kok warteg sih ih. Gak romantis banget. Aku kan pengen steak. Candle light dinner kalo bisa. Ih kok ga ditawarin sih. Ih. Paling gak tawarin kek. Ih.

Situasi 2
Lagi sayang-sayangan ditelpon. Terus hape kamu yang satu lagi bunyi. Anak-anak ngajakin main futsal Jumat sore terus lanjut tanding PES 2012 atau FIFA 12 di rumah si Jono sampe pagi. Mumpung lagi telponan sama si pacar, sekalian bilang deh.
Cowok : Aku besok sore main sama anak-anak ya.
Cewek : Main apa *nada curiga*
Cowok : Futsal terus lanjut main ps di rumah Jono. Nginep.
Cewek : Terserah *nada dingin*
Cowok : Ok
Cewek : Eh udahan dulu ya aku disuruh mama nimba. *klik tutup telpon*
Hah? Apaan nih kok tutup telpon gak pake siapa-sayang-kamu-aku-sayang-kamu-cium-dulu-dong-kamu-aja-yang-tutup-telpon-ga-mau-kamu-aja-ah? Abis itu status fb dan twitternya galau-galau, semacam 'cowok sama aja semuanya' atau 'I can do better without you!' woh woh kenapa nih?
Ternyata Ini Artinya: Kok bikin rencana sendiri sih? Gak nanya dulu aku besok mau kemana? Siapa tau aku mau ajak nonton. Siapa tau aku mau nyalon? Belanja? Terus yang jemput siapa? Ih. Jumat malam basi dong? Ih. Terus main sama si Jono lagi. Kan dia tau aku gak suka si Jono. Bau ketek. Ntar si bebeb ketularan bau ketek si Jono lagi kalo pake nginep segala. Ih.

Situasi 3
Si cewek akan berulang tahun minggu depan. Kamu bingung mau kasih kado apa. Tanya aja lah ya biar ga ribet nebak-nebak dia lagi mau apa.
Cowok : Kamu mau kado apa?
Cewek : Terserah *sambil tersipu-sipu*
Cowok : hmmmm
Pas dia ulang tahun kamu kasih jaket. Abis kan dia suka pake tengtop dan hotpants, biar gak masuk angin. Biar kalo dia pake jaket itu jadi menghangatkan dirinya. Kayak kamu yang lagi meluk dia. Oh sungguh romantis. Eh tapi kok dia ga antusias pas buka kado kamu. Cuma bilang makasih. Gak langsung dipake jaketnya. Malah main henpon. Manyun.
Ternyata Ini Artinya: Heh? Jaket? Indonesia panas kali. Terus ini kok modelnya kayak jumper cowo gini sih? Lagian sejak kapan sih aku suka pake jaket? Surprisenya mana? Cokelatnya mana? Bunga? Candle light dinner? Tiket ke Bali PP + Akomodasi?

Situasi 4
Memutuskan mau kencan kemana dan ngapain.
Cowok : Kita mau jalan-jalan kemana besok?
Cewek : Terserah
Cowok : Nonton?
Cewek : Terserah
Cowok : Makan sushi? Kan kamu ngidam tuh katanya kemarin
Cewek : Terserah
Cowok : Di rumah kamu aja nonton dvd?
Cewek : Terserah
Dengan inisiatif tinggi kamu memilih pilihan terakhir. Terserah kan berarti yang mana aja sama kan? Ya kan? Besoknya kamu datang kaosan celana pendekan bawa tumpukan dvd bajakan. Dia manyun. Lah? Gimana? Katanya terserah, kok pundung?
Ternyata Ini Artinya: Nonton dan sushi lah. Udah tau aku pengen sushi. Ah gimana sih? Ih. Masak pacaran di rumah. Katanya jalan-jalan. Kemana kek gitu, pantai.

9 Langkah Pedekate Dengan Fasilitas Internet

Kamu melihat seorang cewek yang cantik dan tipe kamu banget. Kamu ingin banget bisa kenalan sama dia. Tapi karena kamu cemen nggak berani kenalan langsung, kamu cuma berani kenalan di internet doang. Apa yang harus kamu lakukan?
Jangan panik, selama kamu inget wajahnya dan tau nama dia, internet telah membantu kita untuk membantu melancarkan hubungan antar manusia, termasuk hubungan asmara.
Inilah beberapa langkah yang MBDC susun buat kamu-kamu yang cemen dan cuma berani kenalan di internet doang:
1. Search di Facebook

Pertama, coba search nama dia di Facebook, setelah itu baca bionya, biasanya disitu ada info Twitter usernamenya dia.
2. Follow Twitter

Langkah berikutnya adalah stalking dan kepo. Kamu harus cari tau urusan dia ngapain aja, tiap hari kerjaan ngapain, sarapan apa, becandanya gimana. Nggak ada tempat yang lebih cocok untuk melakukan ini selain di Twitter. Follow account Twitternya dan pantengin timelinenya siang malam.
3. Mention

Kira-kira udah waktunya udah tepat dan kamu udah tau dia orangnya seperti apa, saatnya untuk mention. Mention penting dilakukan supaya dia tau bahwa kamu eksis di dunia ini, atau paling enggak eksis di Twitter.
Buat kamu yang cemen yang nggak berani kenalan langsung sama orangnya pas ketemu, mention adalah sarana yang bisa kamu gunakan juga. Kalo masih tetep enggak berani mention juga, mendingan buka porn terus masturbasi aja. Kamu cocoknya hidup sendirian.
4. Retweet
Setelah melakukan mention, entah dibales ataupun nggak dibales, next stepnya adalah Retweet.

Retweet ini bisa menunjukkan kalo kamu setuju dengan suatu perkataan/tweet dia atau kamu menaruh perhatian lebih dengan dia. Pilih tweet yang ringan untuk di retweet ke followers kamu.
5. Dapet Follback
Inilah target pertama yang harus dicapai. Apabila kamu difollow balik sama dia, itu artinya langkah pertama sudah sukses. Ibaratnya kalau main game, achievement pertama sudah unlocked.

Kamu sekarang bisa lebih leluasa untuk menjalankan strategi kamu pedekate dengan dia. Kamu harus bermain rapih disini, jangan sampai karena timeline kamu yang kotor atau nggak asik, dia jadi unfollow kamu.
6. Add Facebook Friend
Paralel dengan mendapat follback, kamu sekarang bisa klik request as friend di Facebooknya.

Kalau kalian sudah berteman di Facebook, kamu bisa oprek-oprek lebih jauh lagi, ngeliat foto-fotonya, cari tahu siapa temen-temennya, apa yang dia suka atau nggak suka dll. Apabila kamu sudah sukses sampai langkah ini, basis pedekate 2.0 kamu sudah solid.
7. DM / Private Message
Mau lebih intim lagi? Gunakan feature Direct Message di Twitter atau Send Message di Facebook. Disini kamu bisa mulai spik-spik gombal yang private. Orang lain enggak bakalan baca atau komentar. Fase ini bisa kamu gunakan untuk melancarkan strategi berikutnya, yaitu menyebrang dari dunia digital ke dunia offline.

Untuk mengajak ketemuan pertama secara langsung paling bagus menggunakan fitur private message ini.

Dia juga jadi enggak malu kalo ketawan ama temen-temennya diajak ngedate ama orang cemen kaya kamu. Dan apabila dia ternyata menolak, kamu juga jadi nggak malu karena diperhatikan sejagat internet. Apakah kamu sudah siap?
8. Tag Foto Bareng di Facebook
Mulai dari sini asumsinya kamu sudah berhasil ketemu di dunia nyata dengan si dia dan semua berjalan lancar. Kalian makan bersama dan pastinya nggak lupa foto-foto dong biar eksis dan bisa di tag di Facebook. Siapapun yang punya kameranya, begitu kelar malem itu ketemuan harus langsung upload ke Facebook dan langsung ngetag-in masing-masing.

Kamu sudah mulai bisa pamer ke temen kamu kalau akhirnya kamu berhasil jalan bareng ama inceran kamu. Kalo ditanya buktinya mana? Suruh liat aja foto-foto di Facebook, beres kan? :)
9. Ganti Facebook Status: In Relationship
Apabila semua langkah-langkah sebelum ini sudah kamu lakukan dengan baik, hubungan kamu di dunia digital dan dunia offline juga lancar, dan kamu sudah nembak dia dan dia juga nerima kamu. Maka sekarang kamu sudah berhak secara sah untuk mengganti fitur yang mungkin paling jarang kamu gunakan di Facebook, yaitu: status.

Akhirnya kamu sekarang sudah bisa mengganti status kamu dengan in relationship dan informasi tersebut akan tersebar ke seluruh jagad internet melalui post, wall, dll. Pada saat setelah mengganti status ini kamu harus traktir temen-temen kamu makan-makan untuk merayakannya.

Aquarium Beku yang Menakjubkan di Cina

Pernah lihat Aquarium yang isinya ikan tetapi semuanya dalam keadaan beku?Jika belum,ada baiknya anda melihat-lihat Aquarium beku yang terletak di di Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture.Aquarium ini menampilkan sekitar 450 spesimen ikan dari 80 spesies yang berbeda dan merupakan Aquarium beku pertama di dunia.

Apa Itu Trademark™, Copyright© & Registered Trademark® ?

Paten adalah hak khusus yang diberikan oleh Negara kepada penemu atas hasil penemuannya di bidang teknologi (dapat berupa proses atau hasil produksi atau penyempurnaan dan pengembangan proses atau hasil produksi), untuk selama waktu tertentu melaksanakan sendiri penemuannya tersebut atau memberikan persetujuannya kepada orang lain untuk melaksanakannya.

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-dalam hal paten produk : membuat, menjual, mengimpor, menyewakan, menyerahkan, memakai, menyediakan untuk dijual atau disewakan atau diserahkan hasil produksi yang diberi paten;
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Dipakai sebagai pemberitahuan merek dagang dari sebuah produk ataupun jasa komersial yang sudah terdaftar di Kantor Paten Nasional. Hak eksklusif dari sebuah merek dagang terdaftar akan terus dimiliki sepanjang merek dagang itu di-register ulang oleh pemiliknya secara rutin (biasanya tiap 5 tahun). Jadi simbol ini disematkan apabila merek dagang sudah terdaftar secara resmi.

Untuk merek yang sudah terdaftar secara lokal untuk dapat diakui secara internasional maka harus di daftarkan di negara-negara lain hal ini dimaksudkan agar merek tersebut juga mendapat perlindungan hukum di negara yang bersangkutan, begitu juga sebaliknya untuk merek internasional sebaiknya di daftarkan juga di Indonesia. Untuk di Indonesia di daftarkan di Direktorat Hak Kekayaan Intelektual di bawah Departemen Hukum dan HAM sedangkan di luar negeri tergantung di departmen yang berkaitan misal kalau di US itu dibawah Department of Commerce.


Digunakan sebagai pemberitahuan merek dagang dari sebuah produk atau jasa komersial yang belum terdaftar di Kantor Paten Nasional namun prosesnya sudah di setujui.
Istilahnya proses pembuatan suatu produk kita sudah disetujui menggunakan proses seperti ini, namun produk yg kita hasilkan belum secara resmi terdaftar. Simbol trademark bisa disematkan apabila proses kita di setujui.


Hak cipta (lambang internasional: ©) adalah hak eksklusif Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta untuk mengatur penggunaan hasil penuangan gagasan atau informasi tertentu. Pada dasarnya, hak cipta merupakan "hak untuk menyalin suatu ciptaan". Hak cipta dapat juga memungkinkan pemegang hak tersebut untuk membatasi penggandaan tidak sah atas suatu ciptaan. Pada umumnya pula, hak cipta memiliki masa berlaku tertentu yang terbatas.

Simbol ini digunakan sebagai pemberitahuan hak cipta atas semua hasil kerja kreatif (sastra, artistik, dll) yang diatur oleh Universal Copyright Law. Durasinya bervariasi di tiap negara namun biasanya hingga seumur hidup si pencipta + 70 tahun. Hak cipta merupakan salah satu jenis hak kekayaan intelektual, namun hak cipta berbeda secara mencolok dari hak kekayaan intelektual lainnya (seperti paten, yang memberikan hak monopoli atas penggunaan invensi), karena hak cipta bukan merupakan hak monopoli untuk melakukan sesuatu, melainkan hak untuk mencegah orang lain yang melakukannya

Heboh Artis Cantik Korea Tanpa Make Up

Song Hye Kyo

Bagi penggemar serial Korea Selatan 'Autumn in My Heart' tentu tak asing lagi dengan aktris Song Hye Kyo. Karakternya yang berurai air mata di serial tersebut mampu memikat para pecinta drama Korea Tanah Air. 

Tak hanya itu, wanita kelahiran 26 Februari 1982 tersebut juga menuai pujian berkat wajah cantiknya. Dikutip dari laman Hancinema, beberapa foto terbaru Hye Kyo tanpa mengenakan make up tersebar di dunia maya dan menjadi topik hangat.
Song Hye Kyo

Foto-foto tersebut mulanya diunggah di situs resmi fans Hye Kyo pada 3 Februari 2012. Dalam salah satu foto, mantan kekasih Hyun Bin ini tampak menyusuri jalan Kota Paris dengan wajah "polos".

Sejumlah pengguna internet yang melihat foto tersebut tak segan memuji kecantikan bintang serial 'The World That They Live In' ini. Beberapa di antaranya menilai, hidup Hye Kyo bagaikan sebuah portofolio.

"Dia begitu cantik," ujar salah seorang pengguna internet. 

Sementara itu, Hye Kyo akan kembali bermain dalam film layar lebar berjudul 'Wicked Love'. Dalam film yang disutradarai John woo ini, Hye Kyo beradu akting dengan aktris Zhang Ziyi.

intip yuk se kREATIF apa PROFIL orang orang BULE .. cekidott...

Some people try really hard to make their Facebook homepage look as funny and unique as possible.



Indonesia memang banyak sekali menyimpan cerita mistis, begitu juga dengan ibukota-nya yaitu Jakarta. Kawula muda tentunya tau segudang cerita tentang mistis yang ada di Jakarta. Nah berikut ini peringkat berdasarkan hasil telusuran Mass Darto. Mau tau kawula muda? yuk kita simak:

1. TPU Jeruk Purut.


Pada tahun 1986, seorang penjaga makam TPUJeruk Purut yang sedang jaga malam melihat sesosok pastur tak berkepala melintas di antara makam. Pastur itu menenteng kepalanya sendiri dan di belakangnya, ikut seekor anjing. Konon, pastur ini "salah pulang".

Ia mencari-cari makamnya yang sebenarnya berada di unit Kristen TPU Tanah Kusir, sedangkan di TPU Jeruk Purut hanya ada unit Islam. Penjaga makam yang melihat pastur kepala buntung itu, hingga kini masih menjaga makam dan dianggap kuncen atau orang yang dituakan di TPU Jeruk Purut. Kesaksiannya kemudian menyebar luas se-Jakarta dan hingga kini "Sang Pastur Kepala Buntung" menjadi legenda horor di Jeruk Purut. Konon, jika Anda ingin menemui pastur legendaris ini, Anda harus datang pada malam Jumat dengan jumlah ganjil (sendiri atau bertiga).

2. Lintasan Kereta Bintaro.


Pada 19 Oktober 1987, terjadi kecelakaan kereta yang menewaskan ratusan orang di dekat Stasiun Sudimara,Bintaro. Di lintasannya sendiri juga sudah berulang kali terjadikecelakaan yang memakan korban nyawa. Konon, lintasan ini dianggapangker karena sering terdengar suara orang menangis dan menjerit.

3. Terowongan Casablanca.


Dibangun di atas tanah pekuburan,terowongan Casablanca, ketika pembongkaran kuburan tersebut, bahkan ada 1 jenazah yang masih utuh.

Dari terowongan Casablancasampai kira-kira radius 40 meter sesudahnya, banyak terjadi kecelakaanyang penyebabnya tidak masuk akal. Biasanya karena pengendara motor atau mobil melihat sesosok perempuan tiba-tiba menyeberang di hadapan kendaraannya. Menurut warga, ada baiknya ketika melewati terowongan ini, pengemudi kendaraan membunyikan klakson untuk "menyapa" penghuni terowongan.

4. Lubang Buaya.


Pada 30 September 1965, ditemukan jenazah 6 orang jenderal dan seorang letnan TNI dikubur di dalam sumur ini. Di sebelah sumur tersebut, terdapat ruang yang 7 di dalamnya terisi patung patung patung replika dan terdengar suara yang menceritakan penyiksaan terhadap ketujuh pahlawan tadi. Di sebelah ruangan tadi terdapat dua rumah lengkap dengan perabot asli. Rumah-rumah tadi disebut sebagai pos komando dan dapur umum pasukan PKI. Kemudian, dibangunlahMonumen Pancasila Sakti untuk menghormati jasa ketujuh pahlawan tadi.

5. Rumah Pondok Indah.


Masih ingat ramainya pembicaraan di akhir September 2002 tentang hilangnya seorang tukang nasi goreng di depan rumah kosong ini? Kejadian ini jadi menghebohkan karena di depan rumah tersebut hanya tertinggal gerobak nasi gorengnya.

Konon katanya, malam sebelum hilang tukang nasi goreng tersebut hendak mengantar nasi goreng yang dipesan oleh seorang perempuan ke dalam rumah. Namun, ia tak pernah keluar lagi. Mengenai sejarah rumah itu, konon seisi keluarga pemilik rumah ini tewas dalam peristiwa perampokan bermotif persaingan bisnis.

Sejak itu, banyak orang yang lewat kerap melihat jelmaan hantu sepertihantu bapak-bapak dan hantu perempuan. Namun, akhir-akhir ini sudah tidak banyak kejadian horor yang dilaporkan terjadi di rumah ini. Bahkan beberapa waktu lalu, rumah ini sempat dijadikan tempat bermalam para tunawisma

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